Mom responds to backlash after photo breastfeeding toddler

The debate over public breastfeeding is far from new, but young mother Trinati has sparked fresh discussion with her unapologetic stance. Trinati breastfeeds her 17-month-old daughter wherever needed, often in public spaces like Costco. Despite receiving judgmental looks, being ushered into unsuitable broom closets, and enduring questions from friends and family about how long she plans to breastfeed, she remains resolute. Her response is always the same: “As long as she needs me to!” Determined to normalize public breastfeeding, Trinati even shared a photo of herself nursing her toddler to raise awareness and challenge societal discomfort.

Trinati is frustrated by the sexualization of breastfeeding and the criticism she faces for prioritizing her child’s needs over others’ discomfort. She explains that breastfeeding, far from being sexual, is purely about nourishing and comforting her child. “My baby’s needs come way before anyone else’s opinions,” she wrote in an Instagram post. By openly sharing her journey, Trinati hopes to inspire other mothers to embrace their role without shame and to teach her children the importance of trust and care from an early age, no matter the setting.