The movie star and legendary stuntman tragically passed away despite the swift arrival of police and ambulances following an accident in New South Wales. His 49-year-old son, Leroy, described him as a “legend” who was still actively working on films, including Furiosa, the Mad Max prequel set for release later this year. Known for his roles in action classics like The Man from Hong Kong, Deathcheaters, and Stunt Rock, Page remained passionate and full of life until the end.
Friends and colleagues paid heartfelt tributes, with his former manager, Brian Trenchard-Smith, calling him “Australia’s first stunt performer” and a friend for over 50 years. He praised Page’s extraordinary abilities, recalling his fearlessness in performing stunts like dodging cars, sliding down cliffs ablaze, and even fighting sharks. Describing him as someone who defied the rules of physics and probability, Trenchard-Smith added, “He lived a completely honest life,” highlighting the lasting impact of Page’s daring spirit and remarkable career.